
next hurdle

Please pray for Pierce's potassium levels, which are elevated. They think this is due to his blood transfusion. This is the next hurdle for our little boy. He's still in "stable" condition (stable in preemie world means more like "he's okay for this minute"). Nik got an alarming call from the nurse practitioner saying all kinds of scary things, things that just seem to blur together. In more or less words, she led Nik to think that the end was near. BUT after a quick call down to Pierce's primary nurse, we learned that Pierce is doing better than this initial report. As you are probably seeing, this has been a definite rollercoaster. We can't say this enough, but we are just asking everyone to please, please pray. At this point, it is hard to take visitors as we are trying to stay in the NICU as much as possible. So the best and most precious thing you can do for us is to pray, pray, pray. We know that at this point, our God is our only hope.

Nik and Lindsay


  1. God Bless you and your sweet little family, honey. Know that little Pierce is on our minds and hearts and in our prayers. Brookwood is burning up the air with prayers going up for you, Nik and Pierce! Your Brookwood Church family loves you and will lift you and Nik and especially your son with every waking moment. Remember to take care of yourself as you get to know your son. Let us know how we can help at any time.
    Lots of Love and Prayers,
    Marybeth Maxwell

  2. Praise God for your faith at this moment of your lives! Thank you for been so transparent and humble! We are praying so much for baby Pierce, you and all the Nurses and doctors! JEREMIAH 29:11! We love you all in Christ! Have a peaceful night!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Lindsay, Nik and Baby Pierce,
    You do not know me, but I am a close friend of Jeff and Jessica Bookout. I first heard about your family several weeks ago when Jessica excitedly told me that Lindsay and I shared a due date of August 1. I immediately felt a connection to the three of you and prayed for your precious little one daily. My heart broke when Jessica told me Pierce was born earlier this week. My husband and I are thinking of you and praying for the three of you incessantly. Your strength and courage are truly remarkable.

  5. Lindsay, Nik, and precious Baby Pierce,

    I do not know you, but I am a friend of Stephanie Love Johnson. I just wanted you to know that mine and my family's prayers are with you all, for it was only 3 years ago that we were also in the NICU at Levine's Children's Hospital with my 1lb 15oz 25 week old son. They are amazing doctors there. God can and will do amazing things when we have faith! I will continue to pray for you all and Pierce, and if you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to ask, I know how difficult this time is. Trust in God.

  6. Lindsay, Nik and Little Pierce,
    I am so encouraged by your faith. You have reminded me that anything is possible through God. I pray that God continues to grant your beautiful family comfort, peace and healing for your sweet son.
    Much love,
    Ashley Ellington (Liesl's mom)

  7. Dear Lindsay, Nik and precious Pierce:
    Autumn Mulvihill posted your situation on Facebook. I just prayed that the Lord continue to "knit together" little Pierce, including his organs, limbs, brain and potassium levels. God knew Pierce before he was ever born, as you know. He has intimate knowledge of Pierce. Pierce has a rich and robust calling on his life and a strong purpose. "To whom much is given, much is required." I have seen this so many times. The great suffer. I am so sorry for your understandable fear, pain and anguish. I prayed for your son. I believe he is special and will come home whole. I can't wait to see how he will surprise us all one day with his strength and magnificence. We all love you. All the best, Kris Malloy oakbyriver@gmail.com
