Circus themed masks for the guests
the spread... popcorn bags, circus peanuts and cupcakes
P's elephant cake
We pitched a tent in the backyard
Green beans all over his face
"Hmm...I think that looks like a fun toy"
Hamming it up for everyone
Side note: this was our second cake smash. We had done one earlier in the week for our family photo shoot. Sadly, both attempts ended in tears. (I guess we've always got August to try again!) He enjoyed the taste of cake and even managed to swallow a few bites, but he couldn't stand the slimy feeling of the icing between his pudgy fingers :)
Right before the tears...
and with the tears, we concluded our party.
Overall, it was such a wonderful day. Everything was perfect. Our visit to the NICU. Our party at home. And the down time spent in the in between. Was it emotional? Sure. Did I make it through without shedding tears? No way. BUT it was perfect. The tragedy of the anniversary did not overshadow our joy.
Please be praying for us as we have lots of appointments this coming week (pediatrician, eyes, pulmonology, neuro, PT, etc.). Our biggest appointment is on Friday. Pierce will be going to the neurosurgeon to have an MRI to check on the status of his shunt. Please be praying that this will go smoothly and that the results would show the shunt is functioning properly and that Pierce's brain has grown sufficiently.
Much love, The Franks Family