Showing posts with label developmental milestones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label developmental milestones. Show all posts



Here's what we've been working on the past few days:

 I stepped in to help him (he's used to having his helmet on so he'll carelessly fling his head around) and this is the response I got. Our boy definitely has a "I can do it myself" attitude. 

P is starting to figure out this whole sittin' thing.

Prayers that we will cross off this milestone soon would be greatly appreciated.

Off to bed... lots of ABM therapy this week. Night y'all!


Exciting new milestone

Ladies and Gentlemen,

After 9 months of intense work and lots of one-on-one time with my boy, my hard work has paid off. Goal accomplished. Pierce said his first official word the other day and we couldn't be prouder. That's right, at 13 months (9 months adjusted), we officially have a "talker." Ok, I understand what you're probably thinking--it's just one word. Maybe I am getting a little carried away, but when you understand all that he's had to overcome to get to this point it becomes a much bigger deal than "just one word."
Here's a video clip of the glorious moment!

I'd also like to add that it's only fair that after months spent together in extreme isolation, Pierce would say "mama" first... right, Nik?


Super Exciting News! A new milestone for Pierce

Pierce has been doing so well lately. We've really enjoyed hanging around the house and playing. We spend most of our days working on physical exercises- currently we're trying to get our little guy the motivation to roll over (He's so close y'all! I just know it won't be long).

Nearly daily I find myself discovering something new Pierce is doing. This week, he found his toes, he rolled from his back to his side completely on his own, and is working on holding his own bottle during feedings. All of this has been so great. With each new milestone, a sigh of relief. You see, when a baby is born as early as Pierce, and they have such a bad brain bleed, there's a LOT that could go wrong. I know I've mentioned these things on the blog, and to be honest, they're not things I like to dwell on. They're frightening.

We have (and we know many of you have as well) been praying that God would heal Pierce's brain and that he would have no lasting effects from his bleed. We know that God is fully able. And we surely have seen God work miracles in Pierce's life.

I don't know what it is, but the trauma of everything we've been through seems to be resurfacing for the first time. All the suppressed emotions flooding in at the most random times. This week, I've spent a lot of time reflecting on the many times that Pierce almost died while in the NICU (nice, huh?!). I remember the times his sats dropped into the 20's and his heartrate spaced out on the monitor. With each event came an "insult" to the brain- a time where his brain wasn't receiving enough oxygen, which in turn causes a part of the brain to die. And with every insult the chances of Pierce emerging from this experience as "fully functional," decreased. The odds of a micropreemie are not easy to swallow. Many face lifelong disabilities and ALL of them have to struggle to accomplish seemingly normal tasks.

But our God is so, so good. While Pierce surely has many obstacles to overcome, he has beaten the odds in countless ways. This is not something we take lightly nor do we take for granted.

That is why I'm so, so excited to tell you that Pierce has now added to his skill set- the ability to sign and communicate with us! This is SO big! Really. Such a big deal that just about every time I think about it, I well up with emotions. He can sign "more," "eat" and "all done." (notice: all 3 are in direct relation to food... haha! He didn't get to be 17lbs 4oz by not liking food- yet another miracle!)

I knew I couldn't post this to the blog without actual proof that Pierce can now sign. So, here it is. Here is Pierce at dinner tonight signing "more." Enjoy! (Sorry the picture is kind of blurry!)

Thank you all for walking this journey with us. And thank you for your continued prayers for Pierce's development! It is our prayer that those who see this may know that our God is alive and working, not just in Pierce's life, but all around us.

Much love,


I think I can...

We spend a good portion of our days doing something similar to this scene:

 "Hmm... look, there's my toy"

 "I'll try to get it"

 "This is hard work! Baby P90x is tough."

 "Maybe if I just pout and make the most pitiful face ever, Mommy will help me get my toy?"

 "That didn't work. She's not coming. I really want that toy. Maybe I'll try again."

 (scoots over) "Almost." (scoot) "Got." (scoot and reach) "It."

 (Mommy scoots toy further away to encourage him to roll) "Wait. You mean I have to roll?" (lifts legs and attempts to roll)

 "Mommy, please help me get my toy"

"I just want to play, but rolling is too hard. I give up." (at which point Mommy can no longer stand to see him make that face and caves, giving him the darn toy)

Pierce is SO close to rolling from his back to his tummy. I just know that one of these days I'm going to walk in and find him on his tummy (at least that's what I've been praying for!). We've seen tremendous improvement in his development. He's able to get himself on either side and with a little push, can go all the way over. I'd probably make him practice more, but seriously....who can resist that pitiful face? Will you join us in praying that he can accomplish this big milestone soon?


ABM Therapy

What does it take to entertain a baby in the car for over 8 hrs and have a fun time while doing it? Lots of bottles, a car seat mobile, pacifiers, a boon dispensing spoon along with plum baby food, lots and lots of wipes for the mess that ensues with the aforementioned products, and a sense of humor. Oh yes, throw in a really, really good, super easy baby (yes, our baby is the best and I'm bragging on him!).

Yesterday we loaded up at 630am and headed to Black Mountain, NC to meet with a new therapist. While we didn't plan to spend the ENTIRE day in the car (it only takes 2 hrs to get to Black Mtn from CLT), we didn't take into account the chance of rain, and lots of it. We had planned to take Pierce on a walk through the town that Nik and I first met and to ride through Asheville before heading back. But alas the rain caused us to abandon the idea of getting out, stretching our legs and enjoying the beautiful mountain scenery. We did however manage to drive through the college campus, see several of our friends from Montreat and head over to a friends house in Asheville. Oh AND we got to eat the best BBQ ever. I say all this to say that it was a great trip and it was so nice to be back in one of our favorite areas.

Ok, now on to what everyone is waiting for: our review of ABM therapy. I must admit, going in to this I was kind of skeptical. Not many have heard of ABM therapy and while those who have claim amazing results, I wasn't so sure that they weren't just desperate parents who were getting scammed by con-artists posing as therapist. I had heard some amazing results- from babies who weren't rolling over before that immediately started doing it after the session to children who are wheel-chair bound learning to walk, but I couldn't help but wonder, if this is such a great form of therapy, why isn't everyone doing it?

Nevertheless, we decided to give it a try, to take the trip to meet John and to put our assumptions aside until after we met with him. Our first impression with John was that he was warm and caring. He carefully listened as I outlined Pierce's rather lengthy medical history as well as what the previous physical therapy assessment had said. We laid Pierce on a table, in a comfy room with low-lighting and watched as John carefully and gently moved his hands along his body, intently studying Pierce's body. He examined many things- how Pierce's lower back moves, the symmetry in his limbs, and the ability for his feet to push when placed against a firm surface- all of this was done while Pierce was lying on his back. The entire time, Pierce was just as happy as he's always been and definitely at ease. If John did something that he did not like, he simply stopped and moved on. Gentle...that's the best word to describe this approach.

But if you're like me, you're probably thinking, ok if it's SO gentle, could it possibly be doing something? And therein lies the key to ABM- one of the key essentials to this therapy is to make changes SLOWLY so that the child's brain has time to process and absorb what they're learning about their body.

Here are a few things that really stand out about our first session: we were intrigued when after a few minutes of being with John, Pierce started moving his left leg more than he was at the beginning of the session, amazed when he had him almost rolling over in a matter of minutes but SHOCKED this morning when I got him up and noticed that his right eye is no longer turning in as much as it has been (something that the eye dr said would likely require glasses to fix). It's strange because I was so skeptical, but there's really no denying the change in Pierce. His eyes are now moving together instead of separately. They were not doing that yesterday morning.

Our therapy session was nothing short of amazing, but perhaps John's evaluation was even better. He told us that he was quite amazed with how well Pierce is doing considering his history. He noticed no stiffness or weakness in either side of his body and no significant problems. In fact, he really couldn't find any reason for us to continue ABM therapy at this point. What he recommended was us keeping a close eye on Pierce's development. He threw in that we should not become so obsessed with him following the "normal" pattern of development (rolling at 4 months, sitting by 6 months, walking by 1 year, etc), but rather we should watch Pierce's trajectory of development. He said that as long as we see an upward trend, Pierce does not need to see him.

I really can't say enough about John as a therapist. In a way, I'm almost sad that we won't be adding him to our regular routine as of now. But I AM so thrilled to hear that Pierce is doing so well and to know that we now have a great go-to resource if we ever grow concerned with Pierce's development. I appreciate his honesty and character- he could've easily taken advantage of two parents eager to do anything or buy anything to help their child thrive, but he didn't. Instead, he offered his vast experience and knowledge and let us know that if we ever had any questions or concern, that we could always call or email.

At this point, I'm fairly torn. I know that we will proceed with meeting with our new physical therapist and likely start the 2x/month. However, I really REALLY enjoyed the individualized approach with ABM and will find it very hard to continue in PT if I find that Pierce gets labeled and thrown in a box. One thing I know for sure is that if Pierce develops anything that is concerning to us or his dr, the first place we are headed is back to do ABM with John.

Thank you all for your prayers. Know that Pierce's development is really nothing short of a miracle from God and a result of your many prayers. I ask you to please continue praying that his little brain will fully heal and recover.

And for you preemie mommas in NC, if you'd like information on John and the ABM method, you can go to his website here for more information. We would highly recommend him!

Much love, Lindsay