
Welcome Baby Pierce

"Be still and know that I am God."

Those were the last words I recited as I closed my eyes in what was the scariest moment of my life.

Yesterday, I started experiencing some mild contractions in the morning. By two o'clock in the afternoon, what had been mild turned into intense, consistent contractions. I knew something was terribly wrong so we packed in the car and headed straight for the hospital. At the hospital, I was told that I was already 2 cm dialated, but the fast and furious contractions were making my labor speed right along. Within minutes of walking through the emergency room door, there were swarms of people buzzing around me. I was flipped on my head, given pills/shots/IV's, and hooked to all kinds of monitors- all in an attempt to stop labor. From that point, it seems like such a blur. When my contractions intensified and didn't break in between, we were told that I was fully dialated and that an emergency c-section was necessary. I was rushed to the operating room and before I knew it, was being placed under general anesthesia. Up until this point, almost every comment from the hospital staff (aside from our wonderful midwife), had been preparing us for what seemed like a pretty bleak situation for Pierce. Words such as "non-viable" were used to suggest our unborn child's condition. So needless to say, as I lay there alone (Nik wasn't allowed back in the OR because of the conditions), on that cold operating table, pain surging through my body, I felt completely hopeless. And then I remembered the phrase my midwife told me when I first came in..."Be still and know that I am God." Immediately I was reminded of God's presence. A sense of comfort flooded over me. I knew God was there. I was reminded of his sovereignty. And most importantly, I knew that He and He alone could save our tiny baby.

I awoke in the recovery room, being told that our 1 lb 8oz son was in "stable" and "good" condition. Their main concern was to get him transferred to Levine Children's Hospital in uptown (we were at a small branch in south Charlotte). It took them about 2 hrs to get Pierce transferred and I followed shortly after. We were only allowed to see him for about a minute as the wheeled him to the ambulance.

Yesterday was and still is, the scariest day of my life. Lying there helpless. The desire to hold my baby was so strong, but yet I couldn't even touch him. But God is gracious. He grants us the strength that we need. And last night, He met us and comforted our broken hearts.

But the biggest praise is that Pierce was and still remains stable. Thanks be to our gracious God. He is slowly being weaned off of the ventilator and is doing a great deal of breathing on his own. This is a HUGE victory for our little champ. He has proved to be a fighter. And all day today God has used Scripture as well as other people to offer us hope and encouragement.

Many of you have asked how we are doing and to be quite honest, it has/will be a rollercoaster of emotions. We have been overwhelmed and humbled by the outpouring of prayers and support from our friends and family. And we have been reminded of our hope during this difficult time- Jesus Christ. Our Lord has been so gracious to us and we feel confident that He is at work in little Pierce's life. While we have great physicians here, we are reminded that He is the only one that we can call upon to save Pierce. We ask that you intercede on our behalf and continue to pray for Pierce. Pray that he will remain free from infection, that his lungs will be mature and that he will not experience any brain bleeds.

We will update this site regularly so please check back for more info.

Christ is All,


  1. He's beautiful Lindsay! I just want to hug you so badly. Hope to get to see you soon,
    Love, steph

  2. love you lindsay and nik and baby pierce!!! praying for you guys!!!

  3. Prayers are stretching far and wide, and the Father hears them all. You don't know me, but my Bible study group has been asked to pray for your precious Pierce and for your family. You have my prayers and those of many others. Stay strong in the Lord, He will give you what you need for each day. -TX

  4. He is so beautiful and I am so thankful for his life! I am praying for you so much today. Let us know if there is anything we can do.

  5. Lindsay,
    We are praying for you and your sweet son. May God's love, peace, mercy and wisdom be with you.
    With love,
    Chris, Lisa, Lauren & Holly Brzozowski

  6. Lindsay,
    We don't know each other but I am a friend of Greg and Dolly Joines. We have and will be continuing to pray for you.

    Although my daughter wasn't born early, she couldn't breathe when she was born and was whisked away in an ambulance to another hospital. I wasn't able to see her for two days.

    My heart understands the pain of this separation. I hear that you have now been transferred over to which I am so thankful!

    Lindsay, he is beautiful and my heart is very much in prayer for you and your family.

    God is carrying you and your precious baby.

    My heart, tears and hope are with you.

    Keisha Brown

  7. Nik and Lindsay, we are from Stephanie Hansons community group and please know that many in our church will be praying for Pierce as well as the two of you. It is our joy to pray for you! We are confident in Jesus' power to heal Pierce and give you all the strength and comfort you need. You are loved in California and more importantly by our Gracious all wise Father who is in heaven. He is being glorified through this testimony of love for your son and love for God.

    The Salas family

  8. Hi Lindsay,
    I am a friend of Stephanie Hanson's and wanted to let you know you, your husband and Pierce are lifted up in our prayers. He is beautiful and I pray for strength and peace for all of you, especially in these next crucial weeks of development for Pierce.

    Sarah Beaman

  9. Hi Lindsay,
    I am a friend of Brittany and Ashlyn's and just wanted to leave a note to let you know that I am praying for you guys. I am already SO encouraged by your faith and trust in our good and loving Father. Pierce is a strong little warrior, that's for sure! Excited to follow your blog and watch him battle! Praying you feel God's nearness.
    Emily Settle

  10. My great-grandmother weighed a pound and a half at birth - in 1856, in the country, without the benefit of modern medicine. She lived to be almost 90 years old. Thoughts and prayers to you and your beautiful family!

  11. Lindsay and Nik,
    I am praying Romans 8:28 for you both and Pierce.... "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Praying that you would experience the Lord's supernatural peace and claim his precious promises! May God be glorified through your sweet family!

    Quinn Wells

  12. i love you guys and your strength during such a trying time. hugs to you and your sweet little boy. thinking of you ...

  13. Hi, Nik, Lindsay and Pierce!

    We met at Avery's ( Becca and Dan's daughter) 2nd Birthday Party almost 2 years ago..and your sweet smiles and passion for the Lord made you guys a great memory to our family! God , putted in my heart after Becca sent me a e-mail asking for prayers: Romans 8:28 "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Please, continue strong in the Lord and Remembering that God is always in Controle! HE MADE AND LOVES BABY PIERCE! Have faith in Jesus Christ no matter your circunstances because HE IS RAISIN and WITH YOU ALL THE TIME! LOVE YOU THREE IN CHRIST! We are praying daily! PUPO'S FAMILY!

  14. Lindsay,
    Our husbands are together in class on Tuesdays...our family is praying for peace and comfort during this very difficult time.
    Loretta Arnold

  15. Lindsay and Nik,
    I am Tim and Brittany’s cousin from Cincinnati. Please know our family and our church families are praying for you and Baby Pierce. I am so touch and encouraged by your “Great Faith” and my spirit has bore witness to the scripture “Be still and know that I AM God”. As I read the blog this morning, my heart ached for you when expressing the pain of not being able to hold or touch your precious son. I was reminded of the following story at http://www.2jesus.org/inspstories/rain.html

    I know God is holding Pierce for you now and I believe with you that soon you will hold him in your arms and see in his sweet eyes God’s Great Love. And trusting one day Pierce will share with many God’s Love, Grace and Miracle Working Power.
    Love and Prayers, Teresa Winhusen

  16. Praying for your precious little boy!

  17. Lauren Wemple (Jones)November 8, 2011 at 8:43 AM

    Thinking of your whole family, will pray for precious Pierce.

  18. What an angel, new friend. I can't wait to see what the world holds for us! Love, Shaw Richter

  19. Oh wow, he is so little. Congratulations.

  20. Reading your blog just made my job all the more meaningful. I am a NICU nurse and I was greatly inspired by what you said. Jesus Christ is the only one that we can all hang on to when the times get tough. Your story is amazing and it inspired me all the more to do better at what I do. I will be praying for your family. God bless you! I am glad to hear that Pierce is doing well!
