
A Christmas Post

On the day that Pierce was most critical, the day we were called in to hold him because death was imminent, things were a blur. Life was happening around us, but it was as if we were frozen in place, my eyes locked on my baby. I couldn't bear to think past the minute I was in, letting my mind wander was far too dangerous and too painful to bear. I don't remember much from that awful day, but I do remember one thing- our sweet nurse Rachel, made it her goal to cater to our every need. I remember her bringing us food and drinks, going out to update our families in the waiting room, and doing literally everything we needed done as we were unable to leave Pierce's bedside. For about 24 hours, we sat in that NICU, waiting for the end to come, every heartbeat on the monitor was seen as a gift, another minute with our son. At some point I remember Rachel and I talking. She had such a sweet and caring spirit and was exactly what I needed that day. I still remember Rachel saying one thing that offered me so much hope and comfort. She said something to the effect of, "I think Pierce is going to pull through. And I can picture you guys sending out a cute family Christmas card at the end of the year." I remember how FAR away that moment seemed and how overwhelming the present circumstances were. But for some odd reason, I remember being filled with hope as I thought about how my heart longed to see the day where I could send out a Christmas cards as a family of three and not two. Right then and there, I prayed and asked God to grant me the opportunity to send out Christmas cards as a family of three.

This week, I finally got my Christmas cards in the mail! And while I was addressing them, I couldn't help but be filled with gratitude to our Heavenly Father for granting us this opportunity. We are SO thrilled to have our little 8-month old, 16 lb (yes, that's right... 16!) Pierce with us this Christmas. And we look forward to celebrating the miracle of not only his life, but of the life of our Savior, Jesus Christ. We hope each and every one of you have a very, Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from the Franks Family!


  1. thank you for this post! joy - there is no better word to describe how pierce's life makes us feel. love you guys so much! merry christmas!

  2. HOW MY GOSH! That is the most beautiful thing ever! AND sweet baby p playing in the garland! PRECIOUS! So excited for ya'll this Christmas! Peace, love and joy to you all!

  3. JOY! So perfect. This post is amazing. You are blessed beyond measure! Merry Christmas!!

  4. This is the sweetest post yet. So real and such a neat way to show how encouraging others can help even when we don't know. It also shows how awesome it is to sing God's praise as we look back and see how so often He does give us the desires of our heart. I absolutely love the picture with Pierce and the Joy garland, could not have thought of anything more beautiful. As we have moved and unpacked, I ran across something I bought for Jonathan to bring to the hospital that difficult day when Nick had called him thinking it was the last few moments. Whenever you think about it message me with your address and I will mail it. Thanks for a wonderful Christmas post! So excited for yall.
    Lisa Riddle

  5. Lindsay, these are beautiful. Honestly I struggled not to cry. I especially love the first picture. You guys have been through so much, and I thank God that you have been able to make it to this milestone that you daydreamed about. Its the little things that are the most precious. And theres more Joy to come too! Merry Christmas sweet Franks family!!

  6. Beautiful photos! What a blessing Pierce is!

  7. wow! the best Christmas card I've ever received. thank you for this gift! praising the Lord with the Franks family for unspeakable JOY! :)

    Heather Reames & Family

  8. where's the like button?? Merry Christmas to you too!!

  9. John 10:10. ..........I am come that they might have life and that they may have it more abundantly.

  10. Wow! Amazing photographs! Have a blessed Christmas!

  11. I don't know how I missed this update but it is sooo sweet!! I love the pictures! He is so adorable!! I am so very glad you are able to celebrate as a 3 person family! Merry Christmas to all 3 of you!! We love you guys!

  12. Love this Christmas card! It is so creative and a beautiful reminder of true joy during the Christmas season!
