
another set back

After a rough couple of days, it appears that Pierce is more than likely fighting some type of infection. The suspicion is that he is dealing with pneumonia, although this is really just a guess. To be safe, they started him on two different types of antibiotics tonight. To make a very long and complicated story short, they are trying multiple things right now (steroids, antibiotics, methadone-for the withdrawals, sedation, blood transfusion) to get our guy back on the road to recovery. Please be praying for him tonight as he is definitely not feeling well. Pray that the medicine kicks in and helps him fight off any infection that may be lurking around in his body. Pray that he will be able to be weaned down on the ventilator soon and that we will begin to see great progress in terms of his recovery. Pray also for the build-up of fluid in his brain. They've been able to control it by tapping his shunt every day, but we know there is a high probability that he will need the permanent shunt placed in a few months. We are praying for God to miraculously heal Pierce's brain and that the clot will resolve itself without requiring the full shunt.

These past few days have been rough, as you can imagine. I wish I could write that I've held fast with peace and confidence, but that would be a lie. So often my heart drifts and I find myself trying (with great frustration) to gain some control in this situation. So tonight I am resting in Jesus and praising Him that despite my unbelief (which at times can be so great), He is still working. I am praising Him that what He does in this situation is not a result of my faith (or lack of), but rather His will. And I am praying to Him to bring us hope and encouragement as we struggle through these dark times.

Christ is All,
Lindsay, Nik and Pierce


  1. so sorry he is having these new issues. praying for you all and hoping for rest and recovery! miss and love you ...

  2. Wish I could have been able to be with you guys yesterday at Jim and Niks. I am praying for all the above and praying that you know the peace of Christ in the midst of affliction that is preparing you to be in His presence. I love you. Lynn

  3. We have been praying for you all every day and will continue to do so!! God knows EXACTLY what's going on in little Pierce's body, and He can heal him!

  4. SO terribly sorry that this is all going on. Reminds me back almost 2 years ago, thats what my sweet little angel Naomi was going through, pnmonia and a staph infection. I am praying your sweet baby Pierce pulls through with it all. Hang in there, its not easy but with the love and support of friends and family, and God, you all will pull through. xoxo

  5. We are all praying daily as well as in worship every Sunday. May the Lord give you what you need moment by moment!

  6. I will be praying all day for Pierce and you guys.

  7. My 4 year old and I have been praying since we heard about Baby Pierce coming into this world and we will continue to pray for complete healing and a life that brings glory to God! Praying for you you both as well as parents during this very challenging time. Whenever I go on the computer my daughter says How is Baby Pierce doing? We pray often!

  8. Still thinking of you guys as you go through each day. I promise it DOES get better. Perhaps this will be your last bump in the road. Keep hoping...I know it's so much easier said than done. You are doing GREAT. Pierce is doing really well in the grand scheme of things too. He'll get there. We are praying for you.

  9. Lindsay, I don't know you, I've never met you, but I am praying for you and Pierce. That you would have the peace, that passes all understanding, comfort you and let you know that our amazing Father is taking care of your little guy, but that you would also be strong in your faith and be a lighthouse for Pierce to know that you are there through the storm that he is weathering. I'm praying for Pierce with the specific requests you mentioned above and that God just completely blows the doctors minds through the healing and miracles that He wants to perform on Pierce. :)
