
yard sales scheduled

Some dear friends of ours are planning on having two yard sales, this Saturday and the next and have graciously offered to donate the proceeds to help us out. If you would like to help or have anything you'd like to donate, please contact Michelle at clarkebunch@yahoo.com.

Most importantly, please continue praying for us as we are trusting in God to provide during this time.



  1. Praise God from all blessings flow! One day you need to put all these experiences down in book form to give to people going through this exact same thing.
    Looks like Pierce will have that "Public" Baptism....so happy for you guys!

    Love Jonathan

  2. so awesome!!! I wish I could bring all Isabella's old clothes and stuff up to put in the yard sell!

  3. jonathan is right! your story would be much more inspiring than pugtonia or that penguin with 2 dad's book ;)
