
RSV isolation top 10 list

Now that RSV season is coming to an end (yeah!), I thought it would be neat to create a top ten list to reflect on some of the things that helped me survive these past 8 months of isolation. Hopefully this list will be a resource for parents who are new to isolation and wondering how they are going to survive this next season of their lives.

Before I start, I'd like to preface this list in saying that isolation wasn't really that bad. Sure there were moments (and many of them) when I wanted to pull my hair out. There were times when I found myself telling my husband that isolation was equal to a life in prison. And still, other times that I found myself not showering for days and wondering if I'd ever wear anything but pajamas ever again. But for every bad time, there were far more good days. Isolation has also been good for my soul- it's been a time to heal from our traumatic NICU days. Times when I was so overwhelmed and thankful for Pierce's life. Thankful for this opportunity to spend so much time with my baby. To soak up every ounce of his babyhood without the daily hustle-and-bustle most new moms face. And I must add, it only took me one trip out with a medically-fragile child to quickly see that staying at home beats the alternative (clorox wiping everything, sanitizing 546,769 times and keeping your baby's car seat covered at all costs).

And so, here it is. My list. The top ten things that helped me survive our first RSV isolation. (click on the images to enlarge)

Oh and while you're at it, pop over to Life with Jack and check out their list of tips for surviving RSV season.


  1. Looks a lot like our list!! We have been known to go out walking even in the cold with Cohen piled high with blankets....just to get out of the house! Love this idea :)

  2. This is great! I felt exactly like you our first RSV season. I'm so pinning this :)

  3. LOVE this! Although our RSV season got extended. Boo! So one more synagis for our Beckett to get us thru to the end of MAY! But I'm with you....although I go stir crazy...have been clinging to the moments....these moments I will never get back..snuggling with my miracle!

  4. Hey Lindsay, it's my turn for that now...My babies are going home coming week, and unfortunately the RSV season is peaking and extend for another month here till April (California). Yours and Jessi's tips gonna be very useful to me!

  5. Pleased for this chance to invest so plenty of time with my child. To relax up every ounces of his babyhood without the everyday hustle-and-bustle most new mothers face.
