
Pierce's Adjusted Birthday

Today should've been Pierce's first birthday. Instead it's his adjusted. An adjusted birthday in preemie land is referring to the baby's original due date. So for Pierce, his real birthday lands on April 12th, but his adjusted birthday is on August 4th. Tonight we celebrated with friends (including Noah, Pierce's micropreemie buddy) at the pool. It was a great time reflecting on Pierce's life and enjoying the miracle that he is. Pierce seemed to really enjoy the cake more this time around. If you remember, our first experience back in April (on his real birthday) didn't go very well.
But this time around, Pierce seemed to enjoy mashing the cake between his fingers. He LOVED it when Momma fed him from the fork, but then got mad when she stopped. (Hey, I couldn't let him eat the whole thing!) We left him in his highchair with the cake on the tray while we served our guests their cake and while we had our backs turned, he managed to sneak quite a few handfuls into his mouth. When it was all said and done, his face, glasses and hands were COVERED in cake. And he was one happy boy.
Tonight we rejoice in the miracles that God has performed in Pierce's life. We are so thankful for our boy!


  1. Happy Birthday again little man!! Keep up the good work!!

  2. Happy adjusted birthday Pierce! I know I say this every time, but those glasses are quite possibly the cutest thing EVER.
