
cultivating patience

A sign that one of Pierce's nurses made to encourage him on! Attached to the sign is a nasal cannula, which is the step after CPAP

Ok, so we pulled your leg. The planned extabation was a no-go today. Pierce was ready. We were ready. The staff was ready. And then Pierce changed his mind. His blood gas (how they tell if he's tolerating the vent settings) came back a little too high to extabate. They weren't bad, but they weren't good enough to try CPAP. While we were definitely discouraged, we are reminded that God is sovereign and in control. Every day that goes by, it's almost as if I can feel God cultivating the patience in my soul. It's not something that comes natural to me by any means. But patience is something that surely helps in this life. So, today we are going to trust that God will bring Pierce off the ventilator soon and hopefully we get another chance to try out CPAP tomorrow.

They weren't able to get an IV to give blood, and since it's by no means an emergency today, they decided not to keep sticking him in an attempt to place an IV. Also, they're hoping that Pierce's bone marrow will kick in and begin replacing his red blood cells (this typically happens around the 6-8 week mark in preemies). If this happens, he won't need a transfusion, and that'd be great! While we wait to see how Pierce will respond, please be praying that his hemoglobin will not drop to the point where he will become severely symptomatic.

Thanks for praying with us! We are going to try to snap some new pictures of P tonight.

Much love,
Lindsay, Nik and Pierce

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