
no news is good news

Not much to update on tonight. Pierce had a pretty quiet day and only had one slight change on the ventilator (unfortunately it was a step back, but nothing too major). My interview with the radio station went well and we should know soon when it will air. Other than that, it was a pretty quiet day and for that we are VERY thankful. Please continue that God will perform a miracle and that Pierce will be off of the ventilator by Friday.

Pierce did hit 1000gm's or 1kilo tonight! A pretty big milestone in the NICU. Here's our proof that he's still growing like a weed.

Much love,
Lindsay, Nik and Pierce


  1. no news is good news!! :) and yay for a growing like a weed baby!!! :)

  2. So glad to hear this! Big hugs!

  3. I just LOVE this picture. One for his baby-book for sure!
