
When Colin Came to Town

If you have a micropreemie, chances are you've found support within our tiny online community. The wealth of blogs, resource websites, facebook pages and twitter accounts have made it easy to connect with others traveling down a similar road.

When Pierce was in the NICU, our main source of support was found in several women (moms of micropreemies) who heard our story and reached out to me. And then as Pierce grew more stable and eventually left the NICU, things started to turn and suddenly I was in the position of reaching out to others and offering advice.

Sometime in early 2012, Arianne (Colin's mom) contacted me. Our boys were so similar- similar brain bleeds, similar surgeries, similar trials. Colin was still in the NICU and was facing his VP shunt surgery.

We instantly hit it off and this started a friendship that grew out of countless hours on skype calls. When the boys were both in isolation, they found company in their online "playdates." Over the almost 2 years, Arianne and I have swapped therapy tips, medical advice and even plain ol' parenting tips. It's been so much fun that I'd have to stop and remind myself that we've never actually met in person. In fact, we live on separate sides of the country- her on the West Coast, I on the East.

So imagine my surprise when I heard that Colin and his family were going to be traveling to Charlotte to visit us! I could hardly contain my excitement.

The weekend really was magical. Real life playdates, endless face-to-face conversation time, and Arianne even managed to make it in time for our Pierce's Project Mom's Support Dinner.

So. much. fun! We had SO much fun, that we only snapped a few photos (I wish now that we'd taken even more!).
Hamming it up for the camera

"Hey! You look familiar?!"

I could've cuddled this babe for hours!
Pierce loved Mrs. Arianne, especially when she sang the bubble song
The miracle duo united at last!

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