
Pierce has been quiet the past few days. It's so nice :) Really, we are just working on bottle feeding- hopefully its our last hurdle before coming home. Pierce was switched to chronic oxygen settings (what he can go home on) this morning and seems to be tolerating it very well. Please pray that he continues to do well on this.

Bottle feeding is going ok. Could be worse. Could be better. Pierce is offered a bottle at every feed, but is still only taking about 5 of the 8 bottles/day. I sense God growing patience in my heart. It's amazing what a slow and tedious process bottle-feeding is! Please pray that Pierce will advance quickly and that he'll become a pro at this bottle-feeding thing soon so that he can come home to us.

Also, Pierce had a brain scan this afternoon to see if there's been any change in the size of his ventricles. Please pray that they are the same or smaller. We probably won't know the results until tomorrow, but will post them as soon as we know.

Over the weekend, Pierce was finally able to visit with his Aunt Em and Uncle Chris (my brother). It was the first time they were able to hold him. Here are a few shots from their time with him:

Thank you all for your continued prayers!

Lindsay, Nik and Pierce


  1. I am so delighted to see how wonderfully BIG your beautiful boy is - Praise the Lord! It is just super amazing to see what our Father has chosen to do in his sweet life. Praying for him and his little friend, Ruthie.
    His Blessings, A Sister in Christ in Athens, GA.

  2. I was told about your blog from Kimmy Ho and my girls ask everyday sometimes many times a day to see Little Baby Pierce. My middle who has special needs also asks for you two as well. Praying for Pierce to be taking enough bottles so he can be home soon!!!
