
it's another movie monday

If you're friends with us on facebook, you probably saw this video over the weekend. Pierce had his first trip to the park on Saturday. As you'll see (and hear!), the swings were his favorite!

It was days like Saturday that it all feels so normal again. I've craved these days since Pierce was born. And now, we are experiencing them. Normal days. Normal days filled with normal activities. To the outsider, I am sure we looked like any other mother/son team at the park. And yet, there we were, hiding deep and hidden scars. Remembering how hard we had fought to make it to this point in time. It was with that memory that I stood there, watching my sweet little boy swinging and laughing in the swing. And I truly thanked God for giving me the perspective to relish this moment. To soak it in. To enjoy it. And to marvel in the miracle of life.

For our friends still in the NICU: hang in there. Normal days are coming for you. And when they come, they won't be your old normal at all. Instead, they'll be richer, fuller and brighter because of all you've endured to get to that point. Better days are ahead friends.



  1. Amen!
    This video of Pierce is so sweet. I love how you said that the normal days aren't the old kind of normal. I have a hard time explaining that to people, but you described it perfectly. :)

  2. How precious! Praising the Lord that you are able to enjoy these precious "normal" memories!

  3. Soooo cute! I think a lot about being out and about and being "normal" now too. And such a better kind of normal now :)

  4. This post brought tears to my eyes. And I agree, the entire NICU experience changes your perspective on many things.

  5. I love this! Can't wait to be there, and yes..good reminder that "normal" is going to be so much better and richer than ever before. I need to remember that some days!
